Young Survival Coalition cover image

Client Overview

Young Survival Coalition (YSC) strengthens the community, addresses the unique needs, amplifies the voice and improves the quality of life of young adults affected by breast cancer, locally, nationally and internationally.

Project Details

Tasked with rebuilding a new website for YSC, I partnered with another front-end developer at efelle to expedite the development process for the client as their current website was lacking in the necessary functionality to keep their community updated with their non-profit's fundraising events, community events, as well as the many member stories that were shared with the community.

My contributions for this project include:

  • Implementing the website's styleguide into the front-end framework.
  • Wrote custom Javascript functionality for making donations throughout the website, dropdown filters to filter by survivor story types.
  • Developed customizable sections for the Homepage. Customizable areas include: a masthead video that's loaded in through a server-side partial (HTML that's fetched after the page is loaded); content tabs with customizable backgrounds and links; and multiple dynamic content sections that link to various portions of their website.
  • Developed a template for Donations, and Survivor Stories pages.

Project Highlights

  • Custom SVG icon font
  • Team profiles
  • Donation Integration with Rallybound
  • Resource Directory
  • Custom pages for survivor stories
  • Website forms integrate with salesforce